
Why Technology? 

Albert Einstein
I have no special talent. 
I am only passionately curious."
Albert Einstein

Why using technology in the classroom of Suriname?
Suriname is a country with a variety of culture, religion, race, financial status and social status. Al these factors influence and determine how individuals are raised. Our
Education has long not been updated, because no one focus on it. We have still classrooms with more than 30 students. There is only one method of giving lessons and that is follow the curriculum, complete the learning material and do a test. Mostly never is a group activity done. 
There is no special guidance at school, only extra lessons are given for a fee.

Students of elementary school sitting in rows

So what do I want to achieve?
As Albert Einstein said: " I am only passionately curious", so am I curious to see or even make a change in our education system.

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